RWAs Want 'Forth Tier' Status

RWAs urge to be treated at forth tier of governance

Resident Welfare Associations - (frequently abbreviated as RWA) meaning non-governmental organisations that represent the interests of the residents of a specific urban or suburban locality - are demanding constitutional status. 

Zooming In

The kind folks who do the thankless jobs of ensuring round-the-clock services to millions of residents across India, are looking for a raise in status

During the 8th National Conference of RWAs from all over the country, two big statements emerged.

  • RWAs are in fact mini-municipalities serving every resident under their purview
  • Many RWAs are much bigger than some village panchayats in terms of resident numbers
And while small village panchayats are given the status of a separate local government - with duties, powers, elections et al - RWAs are not being treated on the same scale, which shouldn't be the case. 

What More?

The national meet also resulted in 11 passed resolutions of which the most important ones are;

1️⃣ Storm water management must be integrated with recharge and disposal facilities.

2️⃣ RWAs getting together and committing themselves to reducing carbon footprint. 💚

3️⃣ Launching an appeal to RERA authorities to include RWAs in mediation cells

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