3 Pills To Sail Through An Unhealthy Real Estate Market

3 tips to weather a real estate market crash.
Mingwei Lim/Unsplash

Investors love profits. That also translates into the fact that investors dread losses, so folks who park their money in property to watch it grow are also plagued by an ever-present, disturbing thought - what if the real estate market crashes?

A Crash Is Always A Possibility, FYI

Well, in the short term, real estate prices dropping is not new, but with high costs threatening project completions, and high demand asking for increased supply, the chance the market is volatile today may be greater than usual. 

Add to that the Pandemic-Ukraine tag team onslaught and the possibility of a crash gets compounded. But, how many anti-depressant pills should you stack up on, in anticipation for that day?

Keep Calm And Read On...

While no investor would write a check for a property only to see its value fall rapidly, the reality is that if the investment is made with a few key factors in mind, there's no need for those pills. 

Those stress relieving factors are:

💊 You're financially capable to bear the costs of ownership.

💊 Your plan is to own the property for a long time.

💊You qualify for a mortgage and won't drown in your loan EMIs.

These 3 factors matter more than any ingenious timing to enter the property market, simply because if you're financially sound and you intend to hold on to your property for a long time, you will eventually see property prices rebound (3 to 5 years max) and laugh to the bank. 

Moral Of The Story: When it comes to real estate, as it is with most other investments, a focus on the long term reduces the risk of buying assets at an unfavourable time. 
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