There's More To Home Sales Than The Union Budget
Miguel Orós /Unsplash If you are in the business of selling homes and expect the Union Budget to strap a rocket to your sale…
Miguel Orós /Unsplash If you are in the business of selling homes and expect the Union Budget to strap a rocket to your sale…
Tenor The reason why ancient scriptures and modern sci-fi appeal to the masses, could lie in the fact that they both often d…
Good morning , these days, an online search for news will flood your results page with vocal pieces on what the industry ex…
Tenor In an effort to increase sales, retailers of all kinds are decreasing their dependence on brick and mortar stores and …
HBO The folks at Jammu and Kashmir can't wait to have a real estate watchdog around to keep an eye on all the upcoming r…
Good morning , if you think cryptocurrency is only good for buying virtual land in the metaverse, it is time for you to exp…
Arno Senoner /Unsplash Due to affordable housing production lagging demand for decades, housing affordability has become the…
Unsplash Housing was beginning to recover from a 7 year itch since 2016, and just when it was chilling in the green, the pan…
Good morning , New York City Mayor Eric Adams received his first pay on Friday, but instead of throwing a party, he planned…
Tenor Urbanisation is the key to a nation's growth and that's why urban land increased from 33.2 to 71.3 million hec…
George Prentzas /Unsplash Every real estate transaction is unique to its region, people and culture, and this is the biggest…
Good morning , Indian grocery startups are luring urban customers with the promise of under-10-minute deliveries, heating u…
The Sandbox In a true WTF moment last year, a virtual plot of land on a high street located inside the hard drive of a serve…
Alex Kotliarskyi /Unsplash We were looking at office absorption reports and guess what? Gurugram is a hot favourite among co…
Good morning , talks between India and Tesla Inc over potential tax benefits are deadlocked as the government is not keen t…
Jon Cellier /Unsplash Lately, here's the stuff troubling China: ⚠ Concerns of an overall economic slowdown as the Omicr…
Tired of noisy bachelors that won’t pay your rent on time? Or, were you about to have Heisenberg over but remembered your h…
Good morning , Microsoft recently made public its plans to acquire the gaming company - Activision Blizzard, in a blockbust…
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