Showing posts from March, 2022

☕ Indistinguishable

Good morning , say this afternoon you book a conference room at the office for a team meeting at a specific time.  Now imag…

☕ Unfudgeable

Good morning , it boggles the mind to fathom that there are over 45 million cases pending across courts in India, and matte…

☕ Decision worthy data

Good morning , it seems like affordable housing has gone viral and before you bring out your notebook of examples, sample t…

Warehousing Is (Still) On A Roll

Adrian Sulyok/Unsplash Not all real estate is created equal and those who doubted that have been successfully course-correct…

☕ Electricity disconnected

Good morning , three property registration offices, two joint sub-registrar offices and the photo registry office at Pune&#…

The Plan B Every Stock Investor Deserves

Anne Nygård /Unsplash Broadly speaking, there are two kinds of stock market investors. The first kind heads to the pharmacy …

☕ Sleepwalking

Good morning , ‘Given Russia’s leviathan role in global commodities, the cloud around the end of this conflict, and questio…

2022: Workspaces Are Flexible Again

Standsome Worklifestyle /Unsplash A really really long time ago, which means two years back, the coworking office was buzzin…

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